Cyclist & Pedestrian Safety Systems
Don’t Delay, call us today on 01254 914 538!
The DVS Scheme went live on the 1st of March with fines of up to £575 per vehicle per day entering London and not registered on the DVS Scheme.
A key element of safety accreditations such as FORS Silver, FORS Gold, CLOCS and the DVS Scheme is having HGV’s fitted with equipment to warn both the driver and the public of potential issues to help reduce HGV accidents involving cyclists and pedestrians.
For all of the above there must be a side proximity sensor on the nearside (blindside) that audibly and visually warns the driver of any potential danger in their blindspot when the left indicator is activated at low speed.
Likewise, a nearside camera which shows visuals on an in-cab monitor (or manufacturers monitor) is required to further assist in the avoidance of HGV accidents involving cyclists and pedestrians.
An audible reversing alarm with night silent ensures cyclists and pedestrians are warned of this manoeuvre coupled with a reversing camera to provide a visual aid for the driver.
These are the minimum requirement for the cyclist and pedestrian hardware element of FORS Silver, Gold, CLOCS and the DVS scheme and our fitters are highly skilled at ensuring you have a neat installation.
The added benefit for our clients is that these safety systems invariably help drivers avoid accidents which in turn protects your insurance premium.
We’d love to help, if you’d like us to, please get in touch on 01254 914 538.